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Are you interested in helping reframe Montgomery County history?

We were pleased to have over 30 people attend our project planning meetings and many others who registered but could not come. We are delighted by our community's willingness to help MoCoLMP take the next steps in our work for remembrance and racial healing.

Our committees are just getting started and would be happy to have additional members! Committees include:

  • Map plantation sites and identify enslavers and those who were enslaved. As the work progresses, this project may also identify those who sought to escape bondage. 

  • Research other examples of racial violence (e.g. KKK). 

  • Collect oral histories from historic Black communities, prioritizing elders. This project held its first meeting and planned its next steps: identifying potential interviewees and community partners; developing a list of questions or themes; figuring out equipment needs; and selecting co-leads. The project plans to meet on the 2nd Wednesday of each month at noon. Next meeting: July 10.

  • Map historic Black communities. This project also held its first meeting. Their goals for the next month or two are to research and list active and inactive HBCs in Montgomery County and to brainstorm ways of creating this map and telling the stories of our HBCs so that it will, 1) engage our audience and create an ongoing conversation

  • Organize field trips/tours related to regional Black history. Next tour: Banneker-Douglass-Tubman Museum, Annapolis, Saturday, July 13.

  • Identify descendants of victims and perpetrators of the 3 known lynchings.

  • Enhance historic marker sites, in particular, creating a bench and landscaping for the Mr. George Peck marker in Poolesville.

  • Research racial covenants in property deeds.

  • Study reparations, particularly efforts in Montgomery County and Maryland. It was decided to postpone this until late 2024 or early 2025, following planned racial covenants webinar and workshops.

  • Research sites of slave markets. This group needs more members to get off the ground.

If you are interested in joining or co-leading a committee, or if you have questions about any of the committees, please let us know.

Again, our deep appreciation for your participation. We look forward to an exciting year ahead of change and growth for MoCoLMP.


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