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Sandy Spring Slave Museum Tour

Join MoCoLMP on Sunday, July 9, from 1-3 p.m. for a tour of the Sandy Spring Slave Museum and African Art Gallery (near Olney, MD). In 1988, Dr. Winston Anderson opened the museum which highlights the history of African-Americans in Montgomery County, MD, and beyond.

In this remarkable collection, historical artifacts, documents, and outdoor displays trace Black heritage from its origins in Africa to enslavement, the struggle for Civil Rights, and modern-day accomplishments. An example of a cabin that a local enslaved family might have lived in, as well as an example of a cross-section of a typical slave ship are outside. Also featured is an extensive collection of artwork from the African diaspora.

Most of the museum displays are inside (and airconditioned). ($10 donation to museum.)



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Maryland Lynching Memorial Project, a 501(c)(3) corporation, is the fiscal sponsor of the Montgomery County Lynching Memorial Project. Your donations may be tax deductible.

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